Cards in the Pews

The Yellow card is entitled "Note to Pastor other Church Leader." If you have a request the back of this card asks, "How may we serve you?"

Please complete the card and place in in our tithe box at the entrance of our sanctuary. Our treasurer will see that the card is given to the correct person or Pastor Andrew. 

If you are a visitor or someone searching for a home church, please see the Green card as it describes how you can become a member of Bradenton SDA church. We are a friendly, welcoming church with a smiling greeter at our front doors ready to welcome you. You can either place the card in our tithe box or hand it to our Clerk for processing. 

The Blue Card has already been mentioned on the Prayer page, but if you haven't seen it there then allow me to provide you with some information. It describes "Pastoral Prayer Request[s] or "Reports of Praise for answered Prayers[s]". Please complete your request and either place it in the Bible during our Pastoral Prayer time or place it in the white box [sitting on the stair at the bottom of the platform]. 

Related Information

Cards in the Pews